
McLanahan分离器™是水力旋流器的一种变体,也被称为简单的旋风分离器. They can be used in a variety of industries to classify, deslime, dewater, densify and recover fines from aggregate, coal, mineral and sand feeds.


How Separators™ Work

分离器™与传统水力旋流器的不同之处在于它是一个橡胶底流调节器, sometimes called a fishtail, 是否安装在顶部,并将特定直径和长度的溢流管安装在溢流法兰上. 溢流管道返回到顶点以下,形成虹吸,当管道充满时关闭调节阀. 在溢流管道上安装一个空气阀,并将空气引入以调节虹吸产生的量. 这些装置在骨料和砂石作业中很常见,因为这种配置几乎可以使底流密度保持一致,而不管进料密度如何. 最初的专利技术在全球范围内用于改善水力旋流器在许多行业的应用. 这有利于任何对水分敏感的下游工艺,如储存和磨损.

Why McLanahan Separators™

许多其他方法试图模仿结果,但McLanahan分离器™是原始的虹吸辅助或真空辅助水力旋流器,在40多年前开发并获得专利. 这一发展解决了困扰水力旋流器的许多问题, especially when used for stockpiling sand. 该设备今天仍然是标准的储存和级间处理,其中底流密度控制是至关重要的. McLanahan人员在分离器™方面具有丰富的经验,并且能够将其集成到大小系统中.

McLanahan分离器没有活动部件,占用的水浸空间最小, 然而,它们可以处理大量材料,同时保持相对便宜.

Scavenger Systems

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清污系统由贮水池、泥浆泵和分离器组成. 它从细料螺旋清洗机的溢流中回收细料大小的物料,并将其排出到菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全堆中. The overflow from the sand screw enters a Sump, 然后将其泵入安装在螺杆排出端上的清除剂分离器™. 分离器回收细粒菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全大小的砂粒,并将其排出到螺杆的干甲板区域,与最终砂菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全一起排出. 


Separators™ are modified Hydrocyclones. 水力旋流器用于分级、脱泥和浓缩. Applications for Hydrocyclones include fines recovery, classification in ball mill circuits and concentrating Hydrosizer™ feed.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Separators™

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There are several reasons why this might be happening. Air is the killer of Separator™ operation. 首先,检查虹吸阀是否有很多虹吸-检查它是否打开或关闭. Air is probably getting into the system by one of the following means: through the Sump to the Pump with entrained air — turbulence or plunging slurry stream; or leaks in the suction-side piping. Is the siphon boot still attached and in good condition? 分离器溢流管道也可能存在泄漏. Other possibilities include a foreign object in the apex, rubber loose in the bottom of the Separator™. Is the underflow regulator (fishtail) in good condition? 溢流收集箱底部是否堵塞溢流管路? 收集箱是否充满泥浆,使溢流管不在下泄调节器下方6英尺(2米)处? 系统地从系统的一开始就消除原因,并逐步解决. 注意沿途的每一个实例,以防你需要求助.

Typical applications with 2.7 SG material would be below 23% solids by weight. 存在堵塞分离器™的风险,并且在较高浓度下运行不稳定.

Yes, 换句话说,这就是为什么这项技术是由培训我们员工的人发明并获得专利的原因, you bought the original. Separators™ are actually Hydrocyclones 加上一个底流调节器(有时称为鱼尾), overflow pipe and siphon valve (see How it Works section). 水力旋流器有一个不受控制的排放物,其密度随进料密度而波动. 通过调整虹吸阀来调节下流量调节器,使其在大范围的进料密度范围内运行,从而防止库存在低进料密度时被冲走.

It is possible to automate the Separator™ at additional cost; this is useful if there is constant variation in feed solids that are not being tolerated by the manual system. This can be the case with dredge-fed systems.

Purists will tell you this. They will also say it leads to inefficiency. 确实,水力旋流器有一个空气核心,从顶端开始,穿过水力旋流器的中间. In the case of a Separator™, the underflow regulator blocks off the air core; however, since its introduction in the 1960s, 从简单的骨料脱水到高度控制的选矿环境,分离机在无数应用中都取得了令人满意的效果, 提供调节下游湿度敏感应用的下流密度的能力,如 Attrition Cells. 切割点也可以调整,以便在脱泥应用中, 精细调整可以减少溢流中有用矿物的损失,同时减少下流中粘土和超细粒的无用细粒含量.


Features & Benefits
  • Designed to accept variations in feed solids content
  • Provide consistent underflow densities
  • Allow adjustable underflow densities
  • Allow minor adjustments to separation points

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Our customer service team is here to help you 24/7. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. Whatever you need, we are here for you.